
发布日期:2023-06-29 15:20:33

When you think of Thor, you think of a mighty superhero who wields a powerful hammer and is virtually unstoppable. After all, he's a god, right? However, what you may not realize is that even a god can have their moments of frustration and helplessness.


Recently, the actor Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, shared a funny and relatable story about his own difficulties while portraying the thunder god. Apparently, he was filming a scene where Thor is supposed to be writing something down with a pen, but because the character isn't human and doesn't have experience using pens, Hemsworth found it difficult to make it look realistic.


Of course, Hemsworth's struggles with a pen pale in comparison to the problems that Thor himself faces in his everyday life. In fact, the god of thunder recently shared an instagram post that showed him looking frustrated and defeated as he tried to help one of his children with their homework. As it turns out, even a superhero can have trouble with fractions and spelling!



